The Utilities Department oversees the installation and reading of electric, water and sewer meters. This Department issues the monthly utility bills and is responsible for disconnects and reinstatement of service as prescribed in the Customer Service Policy. Utilities bills are due on the 10th day of every month. The following day, a 5% late fee is added and service will be cut-off on the 10th day after the bill is due if it has not been paid by that time. Customers are allowed three (3) extensions a year. Customers may use their extensions at any time during the year, but may not use them consecutively.
There are multiple ways to pay your utility bill. You can mail it to P.O. Box 32, Hertford, NC 27944. You can place your bill with the payment in the Town’s dropbox located on the front porch of the Municipal Building. You can pay in person in the Municipal Building or you can pay online. We accept cash, checks, money orders, and Visa and Mastercard credit cards. We also accept health cards that are scannable.
The Town of Hertford is NOT affiliated with Doxo Online Bill Pay.
Online Bill Pay: