Planning & Zoning

The Town of Hertford Planning and Zoning Department serves as the administrative and technical coordinator for land development and zoning requests throughout the Town's planning jurisdiction. The department provides administrative and technical support to the Town Council, and Planning and Zoning Board of Adjustment. The department assists developers and general citizens in the submission, analysis, recommendation and approval of both citizen and administratively initiated development proposals and plans. In addition, the department collects and interprets data related to future land use needs and prepares and maintains long range planning studies and is responsible for all special projects within Town limits and its ETJ.

The Town regulates planning and zoning within the Town limits as well as within the extraterritorial areas. See the Hertford Zoning Map to determine if you are within the Town's jurisdiction or another jurisdiction.

All improvements on developed properties such as building additions, adding out buildings, fences, etc. will require a zoning permit issued by the Town Planning and Zoning Administrator.  A separate permit may also be required by the County building inspector.

The Town contracts its building inspection activities with Perquimans County. For questions regarding building inspection activities contact Perquimans County