5. Traffic
Article I. Words and Phrases Defined
Section 5-1 Definitions of Words and Phrases
The following words and phrases when used in this Chapter shall, for the purpose of this Chapter, have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this Article, except in those instances where the context clearly indicated a different meaning:
- Authorized Emergency Vehicle. Vehicles of the Fire Department, Police vehicles and such ambulances designed or authorized by the Chief of Police.
- Block. This term indicated the length of that portion of any street, which is located between two street intersections.
- Business District. The territory contiguous to a street or highway where seventy-five percent or more of the frontage thereon for a distance of three hundred (300) feet or more is occupied by buildings in use for business purposes.
- City. This term is interchangeable with “Town”.
- Crosswalk. That portion of a roadway, which lies between the prolongations of the lateral sidewalk or boundary lines over an intersection.Any portion of a roadway distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing, by lines or other markings on the surface.
- Driver. Every person who drives or is in actual physical control of a vehicle.
- Intersection. The area embraced within the prolongation of the lateral curb or boundary lines of two or more roadways orhighways, which join or join and cross one another at an angle.
- Motor Vehicles. Every vehicle, which is self, propelled and every vehicle, which is propelled by electric power obtained from over head, trolley wires, but not operated upon rails.
- Official Time Standard. Whenever certain hours are named herein they shall mean standard time or daylight saving time as may be in current use in this Town.
- Official Traffic Control Devices. All signs, signals, markings and devices not inconsistent with this Chapter, placed or erected by authority of the governing body or official having jurisdiction, for the purpose of regulating, warning, or guiding traffic.
- Official Traffic Signals. Any device, whether manually or automatically operated, by which traffic is alternately directed to stop and to proceed.
- Park. The standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, other than temporarily for the purpose of loading or unloading.
- Pedestrian. Any person on foot.
- Person. Every natural person, firm, co-partnership, association or corporation.
- Police Officer. Every officer or the Town Police Departmental any officer authorized to direct traffic or to make arrests for violation of traffic regulations.
- Private Road or Driveway. Every road or driveway not open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular traffic.
- Public Conveyance. Any vehicle, which is engaged in the business of transporting persons for fare.
- Public Holidays. New Year’s Day, Easter Monday, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
- Railroad. A carrier of persons or property, other than streetcars operated on stationary rails.
- Railroad Train. A steam engine, electric or they’re locomotive, with or without cars coupled thereto, operated upon rails, not including streetcars.
- Residential District. The territory contiguous to a street or highway not comprising a business district, where seventy-five percent or more of the frontage there for a distance of three hundred (300) feet or more is mainly occupied by dwellings or by dwellings and buildings in use for business purposes.
- Right -of- Way. The privilege of the immediate us of the roadway not inconsistent with regulations and conditions.
- Roadway. That portion of a street, which has been improved and designed for, or which is ordinarily used for, vehicular travel.
- Safety Zone. The area officially set apart within a roadway for the exclusive use of pedestrians, which area is either protected or plainly marked at all times while so set apart as a safety zone.
- Sidewalk.That portion of a street between the curb lines, or the lateral lines of a roadway, and the adjacent property lines exclusively intended for the use of pedestrians.
- Signs.See Traffic Signs
- Standing. Any stopping of a vehicle whether occupied or not.
- Stop.When required, means complete cessation of movement.
- Stop or Stopping.When prohibited, means any stopping of a vehicle, except when conflict with other traffic is imminent, or when otherwise directed by a police officer.
- Street or Highway.The entire area between lateral property lines which is open to the use of the public, as a matter of right, for purposes of vehicular traffic.
- Town.The Town ofHertford.
- Traffic. Pedestrians, ridden or herded animals, vehicles, streetcars and other conveyances, either singly or together, while using any street for purposes.
- Traffic Signs.Traffic signs are authorized signs or markers which are assumed to be permanently or temporarily placed or erected or installed at certain places and which purport to give notice of direction or to convey a prohibition or warning; the presence ofsuch signs, though not compulsory, is generally dictated by necessity or common sense with a view to furtherance of public safety.
- Vehicle.Every device in or upon which any person or property may be transported; provided that, for the purpose of this Chapter, a bicycle or a ridden animal shall also be deemed a vehicle.
Article II. Registration of Vehicles
Section 5-2 Motor Vehicles Required to be Registered; Period of Registration; Fee
Every resident motor vehicle operated in the Town, except motor vehicles temporarily operated for a period, or periods or time not exceeding a total of twenty days during any one year, and except motor vehicles operated for car display or car exhibition purposes by car manufacturers or dealers and displaying dealers license plates issued by the State of North Carolina, shall be registered with the Town Registrar of Motor Vehicles. The period of registration shall include the twelve months between January 1st and December 31st of the year of registration. The fee for registration shall be one dollar, not prorated.
Section 5-3 Registrar to Issue Number plates; Duplication of Lost or Destroyed Plates
For every registered motor vehicle, the Registrar shall issue to the person registering the vehicle an appropriate number plate or sticker. Upon satisfactory evidence that any such registration number plate has been lost, or destroyed, the Registrar shall issue a Duplicate to the owner of such registered vehicle at such a price as may be set by the Board.
Section 5-4 When and How Number Plates Transferable
A number plate or sticker shall not be transferred from one vehicle to another and shall not be used by any person upon any motor vehicle except upon the one for which it was issued, provided that the owner of such registered vehicle may, upon the sale or exchange thereof, transfer with the Registrar of Motor Vehicles.
Section 5-5 Motor Vehicles Shall Display Town Number Plates or Stickers
Every motor vehicle operated on the streets of the Town for which registration is required, shall throughout the current issue year display the assigned Town number plate or Sticker in such manner in front as to be visible at all times.
Section 5-6 Town Authorized to Designate One or More Registrars
In order to facilitate the registration of motor vehicles under the provisions of this Article, the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized to designate one or more Deputy Registrars or Motor Vehicles, in addition to the Registrar; to provide for the establishment of an office for such Registrar or Deputy Registrars, outside of Town Hall; and to apportion the duties connected with the registration of motor vehicles between such Registrars.
Article III. Required Obedience To Traffic Regulations and Police Officers
Section 5-10 Required Obedience to Traffic Chapter
It shall be a misdemeanor for any person to do any act forbidden, or fail to perform any act required, by this Chapter.
Section 5-11 Obedience to Police
No person shall refuse to comply with any lawful order or direction of a police officer.
Section 5-12 Authority of Police in Special Cases
In the event of a fire or other emergency, or when it is necessary to expedite traffic or to safeguard pedestrians, police officers may direct traffic as conditions may require, not withstanding the provisions of this Chapter.
Section 5-13 Public Employees to Obey Traffic Regulations
The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to the driver of any vehicle owned by, or used in the service of, the United States Government, this State, County, or Town and it shall be unlawful for any said driver to violate any of the provisions of this Chapter.
Section 5-14 Exemptions to Authorized Emergency Vehicles
- The provisions of this Chapter regulating the operation, parking, and standing of vehicles shall also apply to authorized emergency vehicles, as defined in this Chapter.Unless otherwise directed by a police officer, a driver when operating such vehicle in an emergency, may;
- Park or stand, not withstanding the provisions of this Chapter.
- Proceed past a red or stop signal or stop sign, but only after slowing down as be necessary for safe operation.
- Exceed the prima facie speed limits so long as he does not endanger life or property.
- Disregard regulations governing direction of movement, or turning in specified directions so long as he does not endanger life or property.
- Park or stand, not withstanding the provisions of this Chapter.
- The foregoing exemption shall not, however, protect the driver of any such vehicle from the consequence of his reckless disregard for the safety of others.
Section 5-15 Persons Propelling Push Carts or Riding Bicycles or Animals to Obey Traffic Regulations
Every person propelling any push cart, or riding a bicycle or an animal, upon a roadway, also every person driving any animal-drawn vehicle, shall be subject to the provisions of this Chapter which are applicable to any driver of any vehicle, except those provisions of this Chapter which by their nature, can have no application.
Article IV. Obedience to Official Traffic Control Devices
Section 5-20 Obedience to Official Traffic Control Devices
- The driver of any vehicle shall obey the directions of any official traffic control device placed in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter, subject to certain exceptions, which are granted to the driver of any authorized emergency vehicle in Section 5-14 of this Chapter, unless otherwise directed by a police officer.
- No provision of this Chapter which provides for signs shall be enforced against an alleged violator if, at the time and place of the alleged violation, such official sign is not in proper position or is in sufficiently legible to an ordinarily observant person. Whenever a particular Chapter section does not stipulate signs, such section shall be effective without signs being placed to give notice thereof.
Section 5-21 Obedience to No Turn Signs and Turning Markers
Whenever authorized signs are placed which indicate that no “right” or “left” or “U” turn is permitted, the driver of a vehicle shall obey the directions of any such sign, and when authorized markers, buttons, or other indications are placed within an intersection which indicate the course to be traveled by vehicles traversing, or turning, the driver of a vehicle shall obey the directions of such indications.
Section 5-23 Zone of Quiet
Whenever authorized signs are placed which indicate a zone of quiet, the person operating a motor vehicle within any zone shall not sound the horn or any other warning device of said vehicle, except in an emergency.
Section 5-24 Play Streets
Whenever authorized signs are placed which prescribe any street, or part thereof, as a play street, no person shall drive a vehicle upon any such prescribed street, except persons who have business, or who reside, within such prescribed area; any such person shall exercise the greatest care when driving upon any such play street.
Section 5-25 School Zones
Whenever authorized signs are placed which prescribe any street, or part thereof, as a school zone, drivers of motor vehicles and operators of streetcars using said street, or part thereof, shall exercise the greatest care, for the protection of children.
Section 5-26 Official Traffic Control Signal Legend
Whenever traffic is controlled by traffic control signals exhibiting the words “GO”, “Caution”, or “Stop”, or exhibiting differently colored lights, successively, one at a time, the following colors only shall be used, and said terms and lights shall indicate as follows:
- Green alone, or “GO”.
- Vehicular traffic facing the signal may proceed straight through, or turn right or left unless a sign prohibits either such turn.But vehicular traffic shall yield the right-of-way to other vehicles and to pedestrians who happen to lawfully within the intersection.
- Pedestrians facing the signal may proceed across the roadway within the crosswalk area, whether marked or not.
- Vehicular traffic facing the signal may proceed straight through, or turn right or left unless a sign prohibits either such turn.But vehicular traffic shall yield the right-of-way to other vehicles and to pedestrians who happen to lawfully within the intersection.
- Yellow alone, or “Caution”, when shown following the green or “Go” signal.
- Vehicular traffic facing the signal shall stop before entering the nearest crosswalk at the intersection, but if such stop cannot be made in safety, a vehicle may be driven cautiously through the intersection.
- Pedestrians facing such signal are thereby warned that there will not be sufficient time to safely cross a roadway, and any pedestrian then starting to cross shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles.
- Vehicular traffic facing the signal shall stop before entering the nearest crosswalk at the intersection, but if such stop cannot be made in safety, a vehicle may be driven cautiously through the intersection.
- Red alone, or “Stop”.
- Vehicular traffic facing the signal shall stop before entering the nearest crosswalk at an intersection, or at such other point as may be indicated by a clearly visible line, and shall remain standing until green or “GO” is shown alone.
- No pedestrian facing such signal shall enter the roadway unless he can do so without interfering with any vehicular traffic.
- Vehicular traffic facing the signal shall stop before entering the nearest crosswalk at an intersection, or at such other point as may be indicated by a clearly visible line, and shall remain standing until green or “GO” is shown alone.
- Red with green arrow.
- Vehicular traffic facing such signal may cautiously enter the intersection and continue the movement in the direction indicated by such arrow, but shall not interfere with other traffic.
- No pedestrian facing such signal shall enter the roadway unless he can do so without interfering with any vehicular traffic.
- Vehicular traffic facing such signal may cautiously enter the intersection and continue the movement in the direction indicated by such arrow, but shall not interfere with other traffic.
Section 5-27 Flashing Signals
Whenever flashing red or yellow signals are used the shall require obedience by vehicular traffic as follows:
- Flashing red (stop Signal).When a red lens is illuminated by rapid intermittent flashes, drivers or vehicles shall stop before entering the nearest crosswalk at any intersection, or at a limit line when marked, and the right to proceed shall be subject to the rules of safety and non-interference with other traffic.
- Flashing yellow (caution signal).When a yellow lens is illuminated by rapid intermittent flashes, drivers of vehicles may proceed through the intersection of past such signal only with caution.
Article V. Standing, Stopping and Parking
Section 5-30 Vehicles Not to Stop in Streets; Exceptions
No vehicle shall stop in any street, except for the purpose of parking as prescribed in this Chapter, unless such stop is made necessary by the approach of fire apparatus, by the approach of a funeral or other procession which is given right-of-way, by the stopping of a public conveyance, by the lowering of railway gates, by being given countermanding traffic signals, by the passing of some other vehicle or a pedestrian, or by some emergency; in all cases covered by these exceptions said vehicles shall stop so as not to obstruct any footway, pedestrian aisle, safety zone, crossing, or street intersection if it cam be avoided.
Section 5-31 Vehicles Not to Obstruct Passage of Other Vehicles
No vehicle shall so stand on any street as to interrupt, or interfere with, the passage of public conveyances or other vehicles.
Section 5-32 Parking Prohibited at All Times in Designated Places
When signs are placed which prohibit parking, or when the curbing has been painted yellow in lieu or such signs, no person shall park a vehicle at any time upon any of the streets or designated places described in Schedule I, attached to and made a part of this Article.
There shall be no parking on any street in the Town of Hertford posted with a “No Parking” sign.
Section 5-33 Parking Prohibited Except on Sundays in Designated Places
When respective signs are placed in certain streets, no person shall park on any day except Sunday upon nay of the streets described in Schedule II, attached to and made a part of this Article.
Section 5-34 Parking Time Limited to Ninety Minutes in Designated Places
When respective signs are placed in certain streets, no person shall park a vehicle for longer than ninety (90) minutes at any time between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. on any day except Sundays and public holidays, upon any of the streets described in Schedule III attached to an d made a part of this Article; a change of position of vehicle from one point directly to another point, within the same block, shall be deemed one continuous parking period.
Section 5-35 Parking Time Limited to One Hour in Designated Places
When respective signs are placed in certain streets, no person shall park a vehicle for longer than one hour, at any time between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. on any day, except Sundays and public holidays, upon any of the streets described in Schedule IV, attached and made a part of this Article; a change of position of vehicle from one point directly to another point, within the same block, shall be deemed one continuous parking period.
Section 5-36 Parking Time Limited to Fifteen Minutes in Designated Places
When respective signs are placed in certain streets, no person shall park a vehicle for longer than fifteen minutes at any time upon any streets described in Schedule V attached hereto and made a part of this Article; a change of position of vehicle from one point directly to another point, within the same block, shall be deemed one continuous parking period.
Section 5-37 Parking Time Limited to Ten Minutes During Certain Hours in Designated Places
When respective signs are placed in certain streets, no person shall park a vehicle for longer than ten (10) minutes at any time upon any streets or parts of streets described in Schedule VI, attached to and made a part of this Article, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Mondays through Fridays, and between the hours of 8 a.m. and 12 Noon on Saturdays.
Section 5-38 Loading Zones, Bus, Taxicab, Public Drays for Hire, and Law Enforcement Vehicles
Those streets or parts described in Schedule VII, attached to and made a part of this Article, shall be reserved for the specific purpose and at the exact location named therein, and no automobile or other vehicle shall park therein, except those for which the space has been designated. Those streets or parts of streets reserved as loading zones and described in Schedule VII shall be used only for the purpose of loading and unloading goods, wares, merchandise or commodities on and from motor vehicles unless the type loading zone clearly indicated otherwise. In addition, no bus, taxicab, or vehicle for hire shall park on any street in a place other than that which has been designated for such purpose and no bus shall stop or stand on any street except in a designated bus stop.
Section 5-37 Parking of Taxicabs Within the Same Block
Not more than two taxicabs, owned by the same company, shall be parked in one block at the dame time, except if parked in established taxi stands.
Section 5-40 Parking Parallel to Curb
Where not otherwise indicated by this Article, all vehicles shall park parallel to the curb and not more than twelve inches there from.
Section 5-41 Vehicles Backed Up to Curb
In no case shall a vehicle remain backed up to the curb except when actually loading or unloading.
Section 5-42 Left Side to Curb Not Permitted in Business District
No vehicle shall stop with its left side to the curb in any business district.
Section 5-43 Parking Within Lines Where Provided
On any street which is marked off with lines indicating the parking space for cars, the same shall be parked between said lines.
Section 5-44 Parking at 45-Degree Angle
Automobiles and other vehicles shall be parked at an angle of approximately 45 degrees and with the curb on the streets enumerated in Schedule VIII, attached to and made a part of this Article.
Section 5-45 Unlawful Parking
No person shall stand, or park, a vehicle upon any street for the principal purposes of:
- Displaying it for sale.
- Washing, greasing, or repairing vehicles, excepting repairs necessitated by an emergency.
- Storage thereof by garages, dealers of other persons
- Storage of and detached trailer, or van when the towing unit has been disconnected.
- Transferring merchandise or freight from one vehicle to another.
Section 5-46 Standing or Parking Vehicles for Primary Purpose of Advertising Prohibited
No person shall stand, or park, on any street any vehicle for the primary purpose of advertising.
Section 5-47 Stopping, Standing, or Parking Prohibited in Specified Places
No person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle, except when conflict with other traffic is imminent or when so directed by a police officer or traffic control device in any of the following places.
- On a sidewalk.
- Within an intersection.
- On a crosswalk.
- Within thirty feet of any flashing beacon stop sign or traffic control signal located at the side of a street or roadway.
- Underpass Approaches.No vehicle shall park on either side of any street leading to a railroad underpass, or an overhead bridge, within thirty feet in any direction of the outer edge of such underpass or overhead bridge.
- Grade crossing Approaches.No vehicle shall park on either side of any street leading to a grade crossing, within fifty feet of the closest rail; provided that, where existing permanent structures are located closer than fifty feet, parking may be permitted in front of such structure, unless otherwise prohibited and if such parking does not block the view in either direction of the approach of a locomotive or train.
- Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction, if the stopping , or standing, or parking would obstruct traffic.
- Upon any bridge or other elevated structure or within any underpass structure.
- Within fifteen feet in either direction of the entrance to a hotel, theater, hospital, sanitarium or any public building.
- On the roadway side of any vehicle stopping, standing, or parking at the edge or curb of a street.
- Within fifteen feet of any fireplug or hydrant.
- Within fifteen feet of any street corner.
- There shall be no parking or standing on the premises of the Hertford ABC Store between the hours of 9 p.m. and 9 a.m.
- There shall be no parking on Berry St. with the exception that members of the Baptist Association may park on Berry St. when they hold a meeting if their parking area is insufficient.
Section 5-48 Moving of Vehicles of Other Operators Into Restricted Areas Prohibited
No person shall move a vehicle not owned by himself, into any prohibited area, or sufficiently away from a curb to make the distance unlawful.
Section 5-49 Truck Parking Limited
- No truck shall at any time be parked on any streets or parts of streets described in Schedule IX attached to and made a part of this Article.
- No truck shall be parked between the hours of 6:30 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. on any day upon the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule X, attached hereto and made a part of this article.
Section 5-50 Parking Space for use of Property Owner
Each property owner on Woodland Avenue, upon application to the Town, shall be and he is hereby allotted a parking space abutting his respective property which said parking space shall be marked, “Parking space for use of property owner.”
Article VI. Operation of Vehicles
Section 5-55 Stop Before Entering A Through Street
When stop signs are placed upon highways which intersect a street designed a through street, the driver shall being his vehicle to a stop, before entering the intersection, and he shall not proceed into, or across, the through street until he has first determined that no conflict with traffic will ensue.
Section 5-56 Stop Before Entering Certain Street Intersections
Certain intersections described in Schedule XI, attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby declared to be stop intersections when entered from the streets last named; when stop signs are placed at such intersections, every driver of a vehicle shall stop before entering the intersection, and he shall not proceed into, or across, the through street until has first determined that no conflict with traffic will ensue.
Section 5-57 Yield Right - of - Way Before Entering Certain Street Intersection
Those intersections described in Schedule XII attached to and made a part hereof, are hereby declared to be “Yield Right - of - Way” intersections when entered from the streets last named, and where proper signs are placed, erected, or installed at such intersections, no driver of a vehicle shall enter or cross such intersections until he has first determined that no conflict with traffic will be involved.
Section 5-58 Intersections Controlled by Official Traffic Signals
Those intersections described in Schedule XIII, attached to and made a part hereof, are hereby declared to be intersections to be controlled by official traffic signals.
Section 5-59 Stop when Traffic Obstructed
No driver shall move his vehicle across an intersection, or a marked crosswalk, unless he knows that there is sufficient space on the other side of the intersection, or cross walk, to accommodate his vehicle without obstructing the passage of other vehicles, or pedestrians, although a traffic control signal may be indicating his right to proceed.
Section 5-60 One - Way Streets
Upon certain streets, described in Schedule XIV, attached hereto and made a part hereof, vehicular traffic shall move only in the direction indicated by traffic signs.
Section 5-61 Driving Through Funeral Processions
No vehicle shall be driven through a funeral procession, except Fire Department Vehicles, Police patrols and ambulances, and if the same are responding to calls.
Section 5-62 Left Turns
In making left turns at street intersections, all traffic, when approaching an intersection, shall keep close to the center line of the street, and the left turn shall be made beyond the center of the intersection as may, or may not be indicated by buttons, markers or other directing signs, and shall proceed in the new direction along the right-hand lane, except certain intersections which may be expressly designed by the Town.
Section 5-63 No Right or Left Turns to be Made
- No vehicle shall make a left turn at any street intersection described in Schedule XV, attached hereto and made a part hereof.
- No vehicle shall make a right turn at any street intersection described in Schedule XVI, attached hereto and made a part of hereof.
Section 5-64 Limitations on Turning Around
No driver shall turn any vehicle and proceed in the opposite direction at any street intersection described in Schedule XVII, attached hereto and made part of hereof.
Section 5-65 Limitations on Backing
The driver of a vehicle shall not back it into any intersection, or over a cross walk, nor shall he back it otherwise unless such movement can be made in safety, and unless ample warning has been given by hand and horn or other signal.
Section 5-66 Emerging From Alley or Private Driveway
The driver of a vehicle emerging from an alley, driveway, or buildings, shall stop such vehicle immediately prior to reaching the sidewalk, or the sidewalk areas extending across any alleyway, and upon entering the roadway, he shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching on said roadway.
Section 5-67 Vehicles Shall Not Be Driven on the Sidewalk
It shall be unlawful for any person to lead, ride, or drive, any horse or other animal, or to drive any vehicle upon any sidewalk except as permitted driveways cross the same and then only for the purpose of going into or out of the adjacent lot, or to place, roll or drive on the sidewalk of any street , and wheelbarrow, handcart, or other vehicle, except passing directly across the sidewalk into or out of a house or lot; provided, that nothing in this section shall prevent the use of such sidewalks for a hand carriage to carry an infant or invalid.
Section 5-68 Clinging to Moving Vehicles
Any person riding upon any bicycle, motorcycle, coaster, sled, roller-skates, or any toy vehicle, shall not attach the same, himself, to any public conveyance, or moving vehicle, upon any roadway.
Section 5-69 Riding on Handle Bars Prohibited
The operator of a motorcycle, or bicycle, when upon a street, shall not carry any person upon the handlebars, frame, or tank of his vehicle, nor shall any person so ride upon any such vehicle.
Section 5-70 Riding Upon Sidewalks, or Without Hands on Handle Bars Prohibited
No person shall ride a bicycle or motorcycle on any street without having his hands on the handlebars, nor shall any person ride a bicycle upon any sidewalk, or walkway, within the business district.
Section 5-71 Bell and Light on Bicycle
It shall be unlawful to operate a bicycle upon the streets without a bell or horn, or to operate a bicycle after dark without a light on same.
Section 5-72 Use of Coasters, Roller-Skates and Similar Devices Restricted
No person on roller skates or riding in any coaster, toy vehicle or similar device shall go upon any granolithic or paved sidewalk within the business district.
Section 5-73 Lights, Horn, and Brakes on Vehicles
All automobiles and other motor vehicles shall be equipped with lamps, which shall be lighted when running at night or when parked, unless when so standing on the streets at night they shall be plainly visible by street light; it shall be equipped with a horn or other signal device and it shall be equipped with brakes, which shall be kept in good order.
Section 5-74 Moving Cars From Parked Positions
Parked cars shall move out in the direction headed, or if they are parked at an angle with the curb, they shall back out at than angle until they have cleared the other cars and shall then proceed in the direction they are most nearly headed in.
Section 5-75 Driving on Roadways Laned for Traffic
All vehicles operated on any roadway which has been clearly marked with traffic lanes, shall be driven as nearly as practical, entirely within a single lane and shall not be moved out of such land until the driver has first ascertained that such movement can be made with safety.
Section 5-76 Drive on Right Side of Street
Any person who shall operate a vehicle of any character upon the streets is required to drive on the right side of the street.
Section 5-77 Exhaust Muffled
It shall be unlawful for any person to drive any motor vehicle of any kind anywhere within the Town, without having the exhaust muffled.
Section 5-78 Speed Limitations
- No person shall operate a vehicle on a street or highway within the Town at a speed greater than its reasonable and prudent under the conditions then existing.
- Unless otherwise provided in this Section, it shall be unlawful to operate any vehicle in excess of the following speeds:
- Twenty (20) miles per hour in any business district.
- Thirty - five (35) miles per hour in any residential district.
- Twenty (20) miles per hour in any business district.
- Notwithstanding subsection (2) of this Section, it shall be unlawful to operate any vehicle in excess of the following speeds:
- Twenty (20) miles per hour on the streets or portions of streets described in Schedule XVIII, attached hereto and made a part hereof.
- Twenty - five (25)miles per hour on the streets or portions of streets described in Schedule XIX, attached hereto and made a part hereof.
- Thirty - five (35) miles per hour on the streets or portions of streets described in Schedule XX, attached hereto and made a part of hereof.
- Forty - five (45) miles per hour on the streets or portions of streets described in Schedule XXI, attached hereto and made a part of hereof.
- Fifty - five (55) miles per hour on the streets or portions of streets described in Schedule XXII, attached hereto and made a part of hereof.
- Twenty (20) miles per hour on the streets or portions of streets described in Schedule XVIII, attached hereto and made a part hereof.
Article VII. Miscellaneous Regulations
Section 5-106 Boarding, or Alighting From, Public Conveyances or Other Vehicles
No person shall board, or alight from, any public conveyance, or other vehicle, while such conveyance, or vehicle, is in motion.
Section 5-107 Unlawful Riding
No person shall ride on any public conveyance, or vehicle, not designated, or intended or intended, for the use of passengers. This provision shall not apply to an employee engaged in the necessary discharge of a duty, not to persons riding within truck bodies in spaces intended for merchandise.
Section 5-108 Entering, Jumping On, or Riding Vehicles Without Permission
No person shall enter, jump on, or ride any automobile or other vehicle, without the consent of the owner or driver.
Section 5-109 Persons Riding Must Stay Inside
No person shall allow any part of his body to protrude beyond the limits of the vehicle in which he is riding, except to give such signals as are by law required, and no person shall hang on to any vehicle whatsoever.
Section 5-110 Not More Than Three Persons Permitted in Front Seat
It shall be unlawful for the driver, or the person in charge, of any motor vehicle to permit more than three persons (including driver) to ride in the front or driver’s seat of a motor vehicle.
Article VIII Traffic
Section 5-130 Removal authorized; circumstances enumerated
- Any sworn member of the police department is hereby authorized to remove or cause to be removed any vehicle from a street, a street parking lot or from any other public place owned or controlled by the city to a garage designated by the police department as provided in this article and the vehicle shall be held until claimed by the owner or until same is otherwise disposed of as provided by this chapter or other applicable laws under any of the circumstances as follows:
- When any vehicle is left unattended upon a street or public alley in the city, if the owner of such vehicle cannot be found, or, it after notification, he shall fail or refuse to properly remove the same, where such vehicle:
- constitutes an obstruction of traffic;
- interferes with the construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair or cleaning of a public street or alley;
- is parked illegally.
- constitutes an obstruction of traffic;
- When any vehicle is left unattended upon a street or public alley in the city, if the owner of such vehicle cannot be found, or, it after notification, he shall fail or refuse to properly remove the same, where such vehicle:
- When a vehicle upon a street is so disabled as to constitute an obstruction to traffic and the person in charge of the vehicle is under arrest or by reason of physical injury or other cause is incapacitated to such an extent as to be unable to provide for its custody or removal.
- When any vehicle is left parked on any street or in any unmetered off-street parking lot or other public place for a period longer than three (3) days and the police department has given the owner or agent of such vehicle twenty-four (24) hours written notice of the police department’s intention to tow the vehicle in a manner as authorized by this article, or has made a diligent attempt to so notify the owner or agent of such vehicle but has been unable to do so.
Section 5-131 Designation of garage
The garage to which removed under this article shall be towed for storage, as provided by this article, shall be designated by the owner, if available, otherwise selection shall be made according to the police department’s policy of rotation towing and assistance as administered by central communications or the officer in charge, whichever is applicable.
Section 5-132 Towing and storage charges
Towing and storage charges incurred in the impounding of any vehicle under the provisions of this article shall be as follows:
- Normal towing charges for each vehicle shall be the current prevailing charge;
- If a call is made for towing service and the owner ( or person having control of the vehicle to be towed) returns to the unattended vehicle before the arrival of the towing vehicle and the unattended vehicle is not in fact towed in, the charge for answering such call shall be entered upon the violation ticket given the owner and collected in the same manner as the penalty for the violation is collected. Such amount shall be set from time to time by the Town Council.
Section 5-133 Charge a lien on vehicle
All towing, storage, advertising and other charges incurred by the city or imposed upon the owner or operator of any vehicle impounded under the provisions of this article in connection with the impounding of such vehicle shall constitute a lien upon such vehicle and no such impounded vehicle shall be released until all such charges due to the owner of the charge where the impounded vehicle is stored are paid.
Section 5-134 Towing and storage charges in addition to other penalties.
Nothing in this article shall in any way affect the provisions of this chapter with respect to fines and penalties for the violation of this chapter and the towing and storage charges prescribed by this article shall be in addition to all other charges and in addition to any fine or court cost which may be imposed according to law.
Schedule I
No Parking Anytime (See Section 5-32)
Both sides of Woodland Street between Pennsylvania Ave. and Grubb St.
West side of Perry Street between Pennsylvania Ave. and Willow St.
Both sides of Edenton Road St. between Gum Pond Run and Dobbs St.
South side of Dobbs St. between Edenton Road St. to Market St.
Both sides of Market St. between Edenton Road St. to Dobbs St.
Both sides of Grubb St. between Edenton Road St. to East Railroad Ave.
South side of King St. between Stokes St. to Covent Garden St.
East side of East Academy St. between Market St. and Grubb St.
South side of Grubb St. between East Academy St. and West Academy St.
Both sides of Market St. between Front St. and Church St.
East side of Punch Alley between Church St. and Municipal St.
Both sides of Punch Alley between Church St. and Front St.
East side of Perry St. between Church St. between Punch Alley and the Town corporate limits.
East side of Perry St. between Grubb & Willow Streets.
Both sides of Church Street (U.S. 17 Business) from Riverside Drive to Punch Alley.
On the West side of Church Street (U.S. 17 Business from Punch Alley to Grubb St. (SR 1110)
On the South side of Grubb St. (SR 1110) from Church St. (US 17 Business) to Carolina St.
West side of Edenton Road St. (U.S. 17 Business - NC 37) from Dobbs St. to Grubb St. (SR 1110).
South side of Dobbs St. between the entrance and exit of the driveway to Hertford Grammar School.
North side of Grubb St. (SR 1110) from intersection of Grubb St. (SR 1110) & Church St. (SR 1336) West to property line of Sam Hourmouzis.
Both sides of US 17 Bypass from a point 400’ south of SR 1336 to 350’ north of SR 1336
Schedule II
No Parking Except Sundays (See Section 5-33)
South side of Market St. beginning at its intersection with Covent Garden St. and extending southward as marked.
West side of Church St. (SR 1336) from Dobbs St. (US 17 Business) Southeastward to the End of Curb and gutter section.
Schedule III
90 Minute Parking 9:00 A.M. TO 6:30 P.M. (See Section 5-34)
Both sides of Church St. between Dobbs St. and Grubb St.
Both sides of Market St. between Church St. and Barron’s Alley
Schedule IV
One Hour Parking 9:00 A.M. TO 6:30 P.M. (See Sec. 5-35)
Schedule V
15 Minute Parking (See Sec. 5-36)
Both sides of Grubb St. beginning at its intersection with Municipal St. and extending westward as marked.
East side of Edenton Road St. beginning at its intersection with Grubb St. and ex extending southward as marked.
Schedule VI
10 Minute Parking (See Sec. 5-37)
Schedule VII
Bus Stops (See Sec. 5-38)
West side of Church from its intersection with Grubb St. extending southward as marked.
South side of Grubb St. from its intersection with Church St. extending westward as marked.
POLICE PARKING (See. Sec. 5-38)
LOADING ZONES (See Sec. 5-38)
South side of Market St. west of Church St. as marked.
West side of Front St. between Market St. and Grubb St. as marked.
Schedule VIII
Diagonal Parking Required (See Sec. 5-44)
North side of Market St. between Church St. and Barron’s Alley.
Schedule IX
Truck Parking Prohibited At All Times (See Sec. 5-49 (1)
West side of Front St. beginning at its intersection with Grubb St. and extending northward as marked.
Schedule X
Truck Parking Prohibited 6:30 P.M. TO 6:30 A.M. (See Sec. 5-49 (2)
West side of Hyde Park St. between King St. and Dobbs St.
Schedule XI
Stop Intersections When Entered From the Street Last Named (See Sec. 5-56)
Grubb St. from Woodland St.
Dobbs St. from West Railroad Ave.
Grubb St. from West Railroad Ave.
Edenton Road St. from King St.
Market St. from Hyde Park St.
Grubb St. from West Academy St.
Church St. from King St.
Dobbs St. from Covent Garden St.
Market St. from Covent Garden St.
Market St. from Barron’s Alley.
Grubb St. from Covent Garden St.
Grubb St. from Municipal St.
Church St. from Punch Alley.
Front St. from Grubb St.
Church St. form Punch Alley.
Front St. from Grubb St.
Church St. from McCrary St.
Edenton Road St. from School St.
Edenton Road St. from Sunset Dr.
Edenton Road St. from Ballahack Rd.
U.S. Route 17 By - Pass form Wynne - Fork Road.
U.S. Route 17 By - Pass from Church St.
Schedule XII
Yield Right-of-Way Intersections When Entered From Street Last Named (See Sec. 5-57)
Dobbs St. from Charles St.
Pennsylvania Ave. from Woodland St.
Pennsylvania Ave. from Perry St.
West Railroad Ave. from Pennsylvania Ave.
Schedule XIII
Traffic Signal Intersections (See Sec. 5-58)
Dobbs St. and Hyde Park St.
Grubb St. and the street intersecting it between East Academy St. and West Academy St.
Grubb St. and Church St.
Dobbs St. and Church St.
Market St. and Church St.
Dobbs St. and Edenton Road St.
Market St. and Edenton Road St.
Grubb St. and Edenton Road St.
Edenton Road St. and King St.
Schedule XIV
One-Way Streets
East Railroad Ave. in its entirety, one-way as marked.
Schedule XV
No Left Turn Intersections When Entered From the Street Last Named.
(See Sec. 5-63 (1)
Schedule XVI
No Right Turn Intersections When Entered From the Street Last Named. (See Sec. 5-63 (2)
Schedule XVII
No "U" Turn Intersections (See Sec. 5-64)
Schedule XVIII
20 M.P.H. Speed Limits (See Sec. 5-78 (3)(a))
Dobbs St. from Wood’s Lane to Perry St.
Church St. (US 17 Bus). - NC 37) from Grubb St. (SR 1110) to Dobbs St. (US 17 Buss. - NC 37).
Schedule XIX
25 M.P.H. Speed Limits (See Sec. 5-78 (3)(b))
Grubb St. (SR 1110) from church St. (US 17 Bus. - NC 37) to the western corporate limit, approximately 400 feet west of Carolina Ave.
Church St. (US 17 Bus.) NC 37) from Grubb St. (SR 1110) to a point 0.4 miles south of the northern corporate limit.
King Street from Church St. to Edenton Road St.
Schedule XX
35 M.P.H. Speed Limits (See Sec. 5-78 (3)(c))
Dobbs St. (US 17 Bus. - NC 37) from Edenton Road St. (US 17 Bus. - NC 37) to Church St. (US 17 Bus. - NC 37).
Edenton Road St. (SR 1125) from Dobbs St. (US 17 Bus. - NC Bus. - NC 37) to Grubb St. (SR 1110).
Church St. (SR 1336) from Dobbs St. (US 17 Bus. - NC 37) to US 17 Bypass.
Edenton Road St. (US 17 Bus. - NC 37) from Dobbs St. (US 17 Bus. - NC 37) to a point 0.27 mile south of King Street.
Schedule XXI
45 M.P.H. Speed Limits (See Sec. 5-78 (3) (d))
Edenton Road St. (US 17 Bus. - NC 37) from a point 0.27 mile south of King St. to a point 0.57 mile south of King St.
Schedule XXII
55 M.P.H. Speed Limits (See Sec. 5-78 (3) (e))
U.S. Route 17 By-Pass from the southern Town corporate limits to the northern Town corporate limits.
Wynne - Fork Road from U.S. Route 17 By-Pass to Edenton Road St.
Edenton Road St. from Wynne - Fork Road to the southern Town corporate limits.
Section 5-1 Definitions of Words and Phrases
The following words and phrases when used in this Chapter shall, for the purpose of this Chapter, have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this Article, except in those instances where the context clearly indicated a different meaning:
- Authorized Emergency Vehicle.Vehicles of the Fire Department, Police vehicles and such ambulances designed or authorized by the Chief of Police.
- Block.This term indicated the length of that portion of any street, which is located between two street intersections.
- Business District.The territory contiguous to a street or highway where seventy-five percent or more of the frontage thereon for a distance of three hundred (300) feet or more is occupied by buildings in use for business purposes.
- City.This term is interchangeable with “Town”.
- Crosswalk.That portion of a roadway, which lies between the prolongations of the lateral sidewalk or boundary lines over an intersection.Any portion of a roadway distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing, by lines or other markings on the surface.
- Driver.Every person who drives or is in actual physical control of a vehicle.
- Intersection.The area embraced within the prolongation of the lateral curb or boundary lines of two or more roadways orhighways, which join or join and cross one another at an angle.
- Motor Vehicles. Every vehicle, which is self, propelled and every vehicle, which is propelled by electric power obtained from over head, trolley wires, but not operated upon rails.
- Official Time Standard. Whenever certain hours are named herein they shall mean standard time or daylight saving time as may be in current use in this Town.
- Official Traffic Control Devices.All signs, signals, markings and devices not inconsistent with this Chapter, placed or erected by authority of the governing body or official having jurisdiction, for the purpose of regulating, warning, or guiding traffic.
- Official Traffic Signals. Any device, whether manually or automatically operated, by which traffic is alternately directed to stop and to proceed.
- Park.The standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, other than temporarily for the purpose of loading or unloading.
- Pedestrian.Any person on foot.
- Person. Every natural person, firm, co-partnership, association or corporation.
- Police Officer.Every officer or the Town Police Departmentor any officer authorized to direct traffic or to make arrests for violation of traffic regulations.
- Private Road or Driveway.Every road or driveway not open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular traffic.
- Public Conveyance.Any vehicle, which is engaged in the business of transporting persons for fare.
- Public Holidays.New Year’s Day, Easter Monday, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
- Railroad. A carrier of persons or property, other than streetcars operated on stationary rails.
- Railroad Train. A steam engine, electric or they’re locomotive, with or without cars coupled thereto, operated upon rails, not including streetcars.
- Residential District.The territory contiguous to a street or highway not comprising a business district, where seventy-five percent or more of the frontage there for a distance of three hundred (300) feet or more is mainly occupied by dwellings or by dwellings and buildings in use for business purposes.
- Right -of- Way. The privilege of the immediate us of the roadway not inconsistent with regulations and conditions.
- Roadway.That portion of a street, which has been improved and designed for, or which is ordinarily used for, vehicular travel.
- Safety Zone.The area officially set apart within a roadway for the exclusive use of pedestrians, which area is either protected or plainly marked at all times while so set apart as a safety zone.
- Sidewalk.That portion of a street between the curb lines, or the lateral lines of a roadway, and the adjacent property lines exclusively intended for the use of pedestrians.
- Signs.See Traffic Signs
- Standing.Any stopping of a vehicle whether occupied or not.
- Stop.When required, means complete cessation of movement.
- Stop or Stopping.When prohibited, means any stopping of a vehicle, except when conflict with other traffic is imminent, or when otherwise directed by a police officer.
- Street or Highway.The entire area between lateral property lines which is open to the use of the public, as a matter of right, for purposes of vehicular traffic.
- Town.The Town ofHertford.
- Traffic. Pedestrians, ridden or herded animals, vehicles, streetcars and other conveyances, either singly or together, while using any street for purposes.
- Traffic Signs.Traffic signs are authorized signs or markers which are assumed to be permanently or temporarily placed or erected or installed at certain places and which purport to give notice of direction or to convey a prohibition or warning; the presence ofsuch signs, though not compulsory, is generally dictated by necessity or common sense with a view to furtherance of public safety.
- Vehicle.Every device in or upon which any person or property may be transported; provided that, for the purpose of this Chapter, a bicycle or a ridden animal shall also be deemed a vehicle.
Section 5-2 Motor Vehicles Required to be Registered; Period of Registration; Fee
Every resident motor vehicle operated in the Town, except motor vehicles temporarily operated for a period, or periods or time not exceeding a total of twenty days during any one year, and except motor vehicles operated for car display or car exhibition purposes by car manufacturers or dealers and displaying dealers license plates issued by the State of North Carolina, shall be registered with the Town Registrar of Motor Vehicles. The period of registration shall include the twelve months between January 1st and December 31st of the year of registration. The fee for registration shall be one dollar, not prorated.
Section 5-3 Registrar to Issue Number plates; Duplication of Lost or Destroyed Plates
For every registered motor vehicle, the Registrar shall issue to the person registering the vehicle an appropriate number plate or sticker. Upon satisfactory evidence that any such registration number plate has been lost, or destroyed, the Registrar shall issue a Duplicate to the owner of such registered vehicle at such a price as may be set by the Board.
Section 5-4 When and How Number Plates Transferable
A number plate or sticker shall not be transferred from one vehicle to another and shall not be used by any person upon any motor vehicle except upon the one for which it was issued, provided that the owner of such registered vehicle may, upon the sale or exchange thereof, transfer with the Registrar of Motor Vehicles.
Section 5-5 Motor Vehicles Shall Display Town Number Plates or Stickers
Every motor vehicle operated on the streets of the Town for which registration is required, shall throughout the current issue year display the assigned Town number plate or Sticker in such manner in front as to be visible at all times.
Section 5-6 Town Authorized to Designate One or More Registrars
In order to facilitate the registration of motor vehicles under the provisions of this Article, the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized to designate one or more Deputy Registrars or Motor Vehicles, in addition to the Registrar; to provide for the establishment of an office for such Registrar or Deputy Registrars, outside of Town Hall; and to apportion the duties connected with the registration of motor vehicles between such Registrars.
Section 5-10 Required Obedience to Traffic Chapter
It shall be a misdemeanor for any person to do any act forbidden, or fail to perform any act required, by this Chapter.
Section 5-11 Obedience to Police
No person shall refuse to comply with any lawful order or direction of a police officer.
Section 5-12 Authority of Police in Special Cases
In the event of a fire or other emergency, or when it is necessary to expedite traffic or to safeguard pedestrians, police officers may direct traffic as conditions may require, not withstanding the provisions of this Chapter.
Section 5-13 Public Employees to Obey Traffic Regulations
The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to the driver of any vehicle owned by, or used in the service of, the United States Government, this State, County, or Town and it shall be unlawful for any said driver to violate any of the provisions of this Chapter.
Section 5-14 Exemptions to Authorized Emergency Vehicles
- The provisions of this Chapter regulating the operation, parking, and standing of vehicles shall also apply to authorized emergency vehicles, as defined in this Chapter.Unless otherwise directed by a police officer, a driver when operating such vehicle in an emergency, may;
- Park or stand, not withstanding the provisions of this Chapter.
- Proceed past a red or stop signal or stop sign, but only after slowing down as be necessary for safe operation.
- Exceed the prima facie speed limits so long as he does not endanger life or property.
- Disregard regulations governing direction of movement, or turning in specified directions so long as he does not endanger life or property.
- Park or stand, not withstanding the provisions of this Chapter.
- The foregoing exemption shall not, however, protect the driver of any such vehicle from the consequence of his reckless disregard for the safety of others.
Section 5-15 Persons Propelling Push Carts or Riding Bicycles or Animals to Obey Traffic Regulations
Every person propelling any push cart, or riding a bicycle or an animal, upon a roadway, also every person driving any animal-drawn vehicle, shall be subject to the provisions of this Chapter which are applicable to any driver of any vehicle, except those provisions of this Chapter which by their nature, can have no application.
Section 5-20 Obedience to Official Traffic Control Devices
- The driver of any vehicle shall obey the directions of any official traffic control device placed in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter, subject to certain exceptions, which are granted to the driver of any authorized emergency vehicle in Section 5-14 of this Chapter, unless otherwise directed by a police officer.
- No provision of this Chapter which provides for signs shall be enforced against an alleged violator if, at the time and place of the alleged violation, such official sign is not in proper position or is in sufficiently legible to an ordinarily observant person. Whenever a particular Chapter section does not stipulate signs, such section shall be effective without signs being placed to give notice thereof.
Section 5-21 Obedience to No Turn Signs and Turning Markers
Whenever authorized signs are placed which indicate that no “right” or “left” or “U” turn is permitted, the driver of a vehicle shall obey the directions of any such sign, and when authorized markers, buttons, or other indications are placed within an intersection which indicate the course to be traveled by vehicles traversing, or turning, the driver of a vehicle shall obey the directions of such indications.
Section 5-23 Zone of Quiet
Whenever authorized signs are placed which indicate a zone of quiet, the person operating a motor vehicle within any zone shall not sound the horn or any other warning device of said vehicle, except in an emergency.
Section 5-24 Play Streets
Whenever authorized signs are placed which prescribe any street, or part thereof, as a play street, no person shall drive a vehicle upon any such prescribed street, except persons who have business, or who reside, within such prescribed area; any such person shall exercise the greatest care when driving upon any such play street.
Section 5-25 School Zones
Whenever authorized signs are placed which prescribe any street, or part thereof, as a school zone, drivers of motor vehicles and operators of streetcars using said street, or part thereof, shall exercise the greatest care, for the protection of children.
Section 5-26 Official Traffic Control Signal Legend
Whenever traffic is controlled by traffic control signals exhibiting the words “GO”, “Caution”, or “Stop”, or exhibiting differently colored lights, successively, one at a time, the following colors only shall be used, and said terms and lights shall indicate as follows:
- Green alone, or “GO”.
- Vehicular traffic facing the signal may proceed straight through, or turn right or left unless a sign prohibits either such turn.But vehicular traffic shall yield the right-of-way to other vehicles and to pedestrians who happen to lawfully within the intersection.
- Pedestrians facing the signal may proceed across the roadway within the crosswalk area, whether marked or not.
- Vehicular traffic facing the signal may proceed straight through, or turn right or left unless a sign prohibits either such turn.But vehicular traffic shall yield the right-of-way to other vehicles and to pedestrians who happen to lawfully within the intersection.
- Yellow alone, or “Caution”, when shown following the green or “Go” signal.
- Vehicular traffic facing the signal shall stop before entering the nearest crosswalk at the intersection, but if such stop cannot be made in safety, a vehicle may be driven cautiously through the intersection.
- Pedestrians facing such signal are thereby warned that there will not be sufficient time to safely cross a roadway, and any pedestrian then starting to cross shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles.
- Vehicular traffic facing the signal shall stop before entering the nearest crosswalk at the intersection, but if such stop cannot be made in safety, a vehicle may be driven cautiously through the intersection.
- Red alone, or “Stop”.
- Vehicular traffic facing the signal shall stop before entering the nearest crosswalk at an intersection, or at such other point as may be indicated by a clearly visible line, and shall remain standing until green or “GO” is shown alone.
- No pedestrian facing such signal shall enter the roadway unless he can do so without interfering with any vehicular traffic.
- Vehicular traffic facing the signal shall stop before entering the nearest crosswalk at an intersection, or at such other point as may be indicated by a clearly visible line, and shall remain standing until green or “GO” is shown alone.
- Red with green arrow.
- Vehicular traffic facing such signal may cautiously enter the intersection and continue the movement in the direction indicated by such arrow, but shall not interfere with other traffic.
- No pedestrian facing such signal shall enter the roadway unless he can do so without interfering with any vehicular traffic.
- Vehicular traffic facing such signal may cautiously enter the intersection and continue the movement in the direction indicated by such arrow, but shall not interfere with other traffic.
Section 5-27 Flashing Signals
Whenever flashing red or yellow signals are used the shall require obedience by vehicular traffic as follows:
- Flashing red (stop Signal).When a red lens is illuminated by rapid intermittent flashes, drivers or vehicles shall stop before entering the nearest crosswalk at any intersection, or at a limit line when marked, and the right to proceed shall be subject to the rules of safety and non-interference with other traffic.
- Flashing yellow (caution signal).When a yellow lens is illuminated by rapid intermittent flashes, drivers of vehicles may proceed through the intersection of past such signal only with caution.
Section 5-30 Vehicles Not to Stop in Streets; Exceptions
No vehicle shall stop in any street, except for the purpose of parking as prescribed in this Chapter, unless such stop is made necessary by the approach of fire apparatus, by the approach of a funeral or other procession which is given right-of-way, by the stopping of a public conveyance, by the lowering of railway gates, by being given countermanding traffic signals, by the passing of some other vehicle or a pedestrian, or by some emergency; in all cases covered by these exceptions said vehicles shall stop so as not to obstruct any footway, pedestrian aisle, safety zone, crossing, or street intersection if it cam be avoided.
Section 5-31 Vehicles Not to Obstruct Passage of Other Vehicles
No vehicle shall so stand on any street as to interrupt, or interfere with, the passage of public conveyances or other vehicles.
Section 5-32 Parking Prohibited at All Times in Designated Places
When signs are placed which prohibit parking, or when the curbing has been painted yellow in lieu or such signs, no person shall park a vehicle at any time upon any of the streets or designated places described in Schedule I, attached to and made a part of this Article.
There shall be no parking on any street in the Town of Hertford posted with a “No Parking” sign.
Section 5-33 Parking Prohibited Except on Sundays in Designated Places
When respective signs are placed in certain streets, no person shall park on any day except Sunday upon nay of the streets described in Schedule II, attached to and made a part of this Article.
Section 5-34 Parking Time Limited to Ninety Minutes in Designated Places
When respective signs are placed in certain streets, no person shall park a vehicle for longer than ninety (90) minutes at any time between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. on any day except Sundays and public holidays, upon any of the streets described in Schedule III attached to an d made a part of this Article; a change of position of vehicle from one point directly to another point, within the same block, shall be deemed one continuous parking period.
Section 5-35 Parking Time Limited to One Hour in Designated Places
When respective signs are placed in certain streets, no person shall park a vehicle for longer than one hour, at any time between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. on any day, except Sundays and public holidays, upon any of the streets described in Schedule IV, attached and made a part of this Article; a change of position of vehicle from one point directly to another point, within the same block, shall be deemed one continuous parking period.
Section 5-36 Parking Time Limited to Fifteen Minutes in Designated Places
When respective signs are placed in certain streets, no person shall park a vehicle for longer than fifteen minutes at any time upon any streets described in Schedule V attached hereto and made a part of this Article; a change of position of vehicle from one point directly to another point, within the same block, shall be deemed one continuous parking period.
Section 5-37 Parking Time Limited to Ten Minutes During Certain Hours in Designated Places
When respective signs are placed in certain streets, no person shall park a vehicle for longer than ten (10) minutes at any time upon any streets or parts of streets described in Schedule VI, attached to and made a part of this Article, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Mondays through Fridays, and between the hours of 8 a.m. and 12 Noon on Saturdays.
Section 5-38 Loading Zones, Bus, Taxicab, Public Drays for Hire, and Law Enforcement Vehicles
Those streets or parts described in Schedule VII, attached to and made a part of this Article, shall be reserved for the specific purpose and at the exact location named therein, and no automobile or other vehicle shall park therein, except those for which the space has been designated. Those streets or parts of streets reserved as loading zones and described in Schedule VII shall be used only for the purpose of loading and unloading goods, wares, merchandise or commodities on and from motor vehicles unless the type loading zone clearly indicated otherwise. In addition, no bus, taxicab, or vehicle for hire shall park on any street in a place other than that which has been designated for such purpose and no bus shall stop or stand on any street except in a designated bus stop.
Section 5-37 Parking of Taxicabs Within the Same Block
Not more than two taxicabs, owned by the same company, shall be parked in one block at the dame time, except if parked in established taxi stands.
Section 5-40 Parking Parallel to Curb
Where not otherwise indicated by this Article, all vehicles shall park parallel to the curb and not more than twelve inches there from.
Section 5-41 Vehicles Backed Up to Curb
In no case shall a vehicle remain backed up to the curb except when actually loading or unloading.
Section 5-42 Left Side to Curb Not Permitted in Business District
No vehicle shall stop with its left side to the curb in any business district.
Section 5-43 Parking Within Lines Where Provided
On any street which is marked off with lines indicating the parking space for cars, the same shall be parked between said lines.
Section 5-44 Parking at 45-Degree Angle
Automobiles and other vehicles shall be parked at an angle of approximately 45 degrees and with the curb on the streets enumerated in Schedule VIII, attached to and made a part of this Article.
Section 5-45 Unlawful Parking
No person shall stand, or park, a vehicle upon any street for the principal purposes of:
- Displaying it for sale.
- Washing, greasing, or repairing vehicles, excepting repairs necessitated by an emergency.
- Storage thereof by garages, dealers of other persons
- Storage of and detached trailer, or van when the towing unit has been disconnected.
- Transferring merchandise or freight from one vehicle to another.
Section 5-46 Standing or Parking Vehicles for Primary Purpose of Advertising Prohibited
No person shall stand, or park, on any street any vehicle for the primary purpose of advertising.
Section 5-47 Stopping, Standing, or Parking Prohibited in Specified Places
No person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle, except when conflict with other traffic is imminent or when so directed by a police officer or traffic control device in any of the following places.
- On a sidewalk.
- Within an intersection.
- On a crosswalk.
- Within thirty feet of any flashing beacon stop sign or traffic control signal located at the side of a street or roadway.
- Underpass Approaches.No vehicle shall park on either side of any street leading to a railroad underpass, or an overhead bridge, within thirty feet in any direction of the outer edge of such underpass or overhead bridge.
- Grade crossing Approaches.No vehicle shall park on either side of any street leading to a grade crossing, within fifty feet of the closest rail; provided that, where existing permanent structures are located closer than fifty feet, parking may be permitted in front of such structure, unless otherwise prohibited and if such parking does not block the view in either direction of the approach of a locomotive or train.
- Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction, if the stopping , or standing, or parking would obstruct traffic.
- Upon any bridge or other elevated structure or within any underpass structure.
- Within fifteen feet in either direction of the entrance to a hotel, theater, hospital, sanitarium or any public building.
- On the roadway side of any vehicle stopping, standing, or parking at the edge or curb of a street.
- Within fifteen feet of any fireplug or hydrant.
- Within fifteen feet of any street corner.
- There shall be no parking or standing on the premises of the Hertford ABC Store between the hours of 9 p.m. and 9 a.m.
- There shall be no parking on Berry St. with the exception that members of the Baptist Association may park on Berry St. when they hold a meeting if their parking area is insufficient.
Section 5-48 Moving of Vehicles of Other Operators Into Restricted Areas Prohibited
No person shall move a vehicle not owned by himself, into any prohibited area, or sufficiently away from a curb to make the distance unlawful.
Section 5-49 Truck Parking Limited
- No truck shall at any time be parked on any streets or parts of streets described in Schedule IX attached to and made a part of this Article.
- No truck shall be parked between the hours of 6:30 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. on any day upon the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule X, attached hereto and made a part of this article.
Section 5-50 Parking Space for use of Property Owner
Each property owner on Woodland Avenue, upon application to the Town, shall be and he is hereby allotted a parking space abutting his respective property which said parking space shall be marked, “Parking space for use of property owner.”
Section 5-55 Stop Before Entering A Through Street
When stop signs are placed upon highways which intersect a street designed a through street, the driver shall being his vehicle to a stop, before entering the intersection, and he shall not proceed into, or across, the through street until he has first determined that no conflict with traffic will ensue.
Section 5-56 Stop Before Entering Certain Street Intersections
Certain intersections described in Schedule XI, attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby declared to be stop intersections when entered from the streets last named; when stop signs are placed at such intersections, every driver of a vehicle shall stop before entering the intersection, and he shall not proceed into, or across, the through street until has first determined that no conflict with traffic will ensue.
Section 5-57 Yield Right - of - Way Before Entering Certain Street Intersection
Those intersections described in Schedule XII attached to and made a part hereof, are hereby declared to be “Yield Right - of - Way” intersections when entered from the streets last named, and where proper signs are placed, erected, or installed at such intersections, no driver of a vehicle shall enter or cross such intersections until he has first determined that no conflict with traffic will be involved.
Section 5-58 Intersections Controlled by Official Traffic Signals
Those intersections described in Schedule XIII, attached to and made a part hereof, are hereby declared to be intersections to be controlled by official traffic signals.
Section 5-59 Stop when Traffic Obstructed
No driver shall move his vehicle across an intersection, or a marked crosswalk, unless he knows that there is sufficient space on the other side of the intersection, or cross walk, to accommodate his vehicle without obstructing the passage of other vehicles, or pedestrians, although a traffic control signal may be indicating his right to proceed.
Section 5-60 One - Way Streets
Upon certain streets, described in Schedule XIV, attached hereto and made a part hereof, vehicular traffic shall move only in the direction indicated by traffic signs.
Section 5-61 Driving Through Funeral Processions
No vehicle shall be driven through a funeral procession, except Fire Department Vehicles, Police patrols and ambulances, and if the same are responding to calls.
Section 5-62 Left Turns
In making left turns at street intersections, all traffic, when approaching an intersection, shall keep close to the center line of the street, and the left turn shall be made beyond the center of the intersection as may, or may not be indicated by buttons, markers or other directing signs, and shall proceed in the new direction along the right-hand lane, except certain intersections which may be expressly designed by the Town.
Section 5-63 No Right or Left Turns to be Made
- No vehicle shall make a left turn at any street intersection described in Schedule XV, attached hereto and made a part hereof.
- No vehicle shall make a right turn at any street intersection described in Schedule XVI, attached hereto and made a part of hereof.
Section 5-64 Limitations on Turning Around
No driver shall turn any vehicle and proceed in the opposite direction at any street intersection described in Schedule XVII, attached hereto and made part of hereof.
Section 5-65 Limitations on Backing
The driver of a vehicle shall not back it into any intersection, or over a cross walk, nor shall he back it otherwise unless such movement can be made in safety, and unless ample warning has been given by hand and horn or other signal.
Section 5-66 Emerging From Alley or Private Driveway
The driver of a vehicle emerging from an alley, driveway, or buildings, shall stop such vehicle immediately prior to reaching the sidewalk, or the sidewalk areas extending across any alleyway, and upon entering the roadway, he shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching on said roadway.
Section 5-67 Vehicles Shall Not Be Driven on the Sidewalk
It shall be unlawful for any person to lead, ride, or drive, any horse or other animal, or to drive any vehicle upon any sidewalk except as permitted driveways cross the same and then only for the purpose of going into or out of the adjacent lot, or to place, roll or drive on the sidewalk of any street , and wheelbarrow, handcart, or other vehicle, except passing directly across the sidewalk into or out of a house or lot; provided, that nothing in this section shall prevent the use of such sidewalks for a hand carriage to carry an infant or invalid.
Section 5-68 Clinging to Moving Vehicles
Any person riding upon any bicycle, motorcycle, coaster, sled, roller-skates, or any toy vehicle, shall not attach the same, himself, to any public conveyance, or moving vehicle, upon any roadway.
Section 5-69 Riding on Handle Bars Prohibited
The operator of a motorcycle, or bicycle, when upon a street, shall not carry any person upon the handlebars, frame, or tank of his vehicle, nor shall any person so ride upon any such vehicle.
Section 5-70 Riding Upon Sidewalks, or Without Hands on Handle Bars Prohibited
No person shall ride a bicycle or motorcycle on any street without having his hands on the handlebars, nor shall any person ride a bicycle upon any sidewalk, or walkway, within the business district.
Section 5-71 Bell and Light on Bicycle
It shall be unlawful to operate a bicycle upon the streets without a bell or horn, or to operate a bicycle after dark without a light on same.
Section 5-72 Use of Coasters, Roller-Skates and Similar Devices Restricted
No person on roller skates or riding in any coaster, toy vehicle or similar device shall go upon any granolithic or paved sidewalk within the business district.
Section 5-73 Lights, Horn, and Brakes on Vehicles
All automobiles and other motor vehicles shall be equipped with lamps, which shall be lighted when running at night or when parked, unless when so standing on the streets at night they shall be plainly visible by street light; it shall be equipped with a horn or other signal device and it shall be equipped with brakes, which shall be kept in good order.
Section 5-74 Moving Cars From Parked Positions
Parked cars shall move out in the direction headed, or if they are parked at an angle with the curb, they shall back out at than angle until they have cleared the other cars and shall then proceed in the direction they are most nearly headed in.
Section 5-75 Driving on Roadways Laned for Traffic
All vehicles operated on any roadway which has been clearly marked with traffic lanes, shall be driven as nearly as practical, entirely within a single lane and shall not be moved out of such land until the driver has first ascertained that such movement can be made with safety.
Section 5-76 Drive on Right Side of Street
Any person who shall operate a vehicle of any character upon the streets is required to drive on the right side of the street.
Section 5-77 Exhaust Muffled
It shall be unlawful for any person to drive any motor vehicle of any kind anywhere within the Town, without having the exhaust muffled.
Section 5-78 Speed Limitations
- No person shall operate a vehicle on a street or highway within the Town at a speed greater than its reasonable and prudent under the conditions then existing.
- Unless otherwise provided in this Section, it shall be unlawful to operate any vehicle in excess of the following speeds:
- Twenty (20) miles per hour in any business district.
- Thirty - five (35) miles per hour in any residential district.
- Twenty (20) miles per hour in any business district.
- Notwithstanding subsection (2) of this Section, it shall be unlawful to operate any vehicle in excess of the following speeds:
- Twenty (20) miles per hour on the streets or portions of streets described in Schedule XVIII, attached hereto and made a part hereof.
- Twenty - five (25)miles per hour on the streets or portions of streets described in Schedule XIX, attached hereto and made a part hereof.
- Thirty - five (35) miles per hour on the streets or portions of streets described in Schedule XX, attached hereto and made a part of hereof.
- Forty - five (45) miles per hour on the streets or portions of streets described in Schedule XXI, attached hereto and made a part of hereof.
- Fifty - five (55) miles per hour on the streets or portions of streets described in Schedule XXII, attached hereto and made a part of hereof.
- Twenty (20) miles per hour on the streets or portions of streets described in Schedule XVIII, attached hereto and made a part hereof.
Section 5-106 Boarding, or Alighting From, Public Conveyances or Other Vehicles
No person shall board, or alight from, any public conveyance, or other vehicle, while such conveyance, or vehicle, is in motion.
Section 5-107 Unlawful Riding
No person shall ride on any public conveyance, or vehicle, not designated, or intended or intended, for the use of passengers. This provision shall not apply to an employee engaged in the necessary discharge of a duty, not to persons riding within truck bodies in spaces intended for merchandise.
Section 5-108 Entering, Jumping On, or Riding Vehicles Without Permission
No person shall enter, jump on, or ride any automobile or other vehicle, without the consent of the owner or driver.
Section 5-109 Persons Riding Must Stay Inside
No person shall allow any part of his body to protrude beyond the limits of the vehicle in which he is riding, except to give such signals as are by law required, and no person shall hang on to any vehicle whatsoever.
Section 5-110 Not More Than Three Persons Permitted in Front Seat
It shall be unlawful for the driver, or the person in charge, of any motor vehicle to permit more than three persons (including driver) to ride in the front or driver’s seat of a motor vehicle.
Section 5-130 Removal authorized; circumstances enumerated
- Any sworn member of the police department is hereby authorized to remove or cause to be removed any vehicle from a street, a street parking lot or from any other public place owned or controlled by the city to a garage designated by the police department as provided in this article and the vehicle shall be held until claimed by the owner or until same is otherwise disposed of as provided by this chapter or other applicable laws under any of the circumstances as follows:
- When any vehicle is left unattended upon a street or public alley in the city, if the owner of such vehicle cannot be found, or, it after notification, he shall fail or refuse to properly remove the same, where such vehicle:
- constitutes an obstruction of traffic;
- interferes with the construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair or cleaning of a public street or alley;
- is parked illegally.
- constitutes an obstruction of traffic;
- When any vehicle is left unattended upon a street or public alley in the city, if the owner of such vehicle cannot be found, or, it after notification, he shall fail or refuse to properly remove the same, where such vehicle:
- When a vehicle upon a street is so disabled as to constitute an obstruction to traffic and the person in charge of the vehicle is under arrest or by reason of physical injury or other cause is incapacitated to such an extent as to be unable to provide for its custody or removal.
- When any vehicle is left parked on any street or in any unmetered off-street parking lot or other public place for a period longer than three (3) days and the police department has given the owner or agent of such vehicle twenty-four (24) hours written notice of the police department’s intention to tow the vehicle in a manner as authorized by this article, or has made a diligent attempt to so notify the owner or agent of such vehicle but has been unable to do so.
Section 5-131 Designation of garage
The garage to which removed under this article shall be towed for storage, as provided by this article, shall be designated by the owner, if available, otherwise selection shall be made according to the police department’s policy of rotation towing and assistance as administered by central communications or the officer in charge, whichever is applicable.
Section 5-132 Towing and storage charges
Towing and storage charges incurred in the impounding of any vehicle under the provisions of this article shall be as follows:
- Normal towing charges for each vehicle shall be the current prevailing charge;
- If a call is made for towing service and the owner ( or person having control of the vehicle to be towed) returns to the unattended vehicle before the arrival of the towing vehicle and the unattended vehicle is not in fact towed in, the charge for answering such call shall be entered upon the violation ticket given the owner and collected in the same manner as the penalty for the violation is collected. Such amount shall be set from time to time by the Town Council.
Section 5-133 Charge a lien on vehicle
All towing, storage, advertising and other charges incurred by the city or imposed upon the owner or operator of any vehicle impounded under the provisions of this article in connection with the impounding of such vehicle shall constitute a lien upon such vehicle and no such impounded vehicle shall be released until all such charges due to the owner of the charge where the impounded vehicle is stored are paid.
Section 5-134 Towing and storage charges in addition to other penalties.
Nothing in this article shall in any way affect the provisions of this chapter with respect to fines and penalties for the violation of this chapter and the towing and storage charges prescribed by this article shall be in addition to all other charges and in addition to any fine or court cost which may be imposed according to law.
NO PARKING AT ANY TIME (See Section 5-32)
Both sides of Woodland Street between Pennsylvania Ave. and Grubb St.
West side of Perry Street between Pennsylvania Ave. and Willow St.
Both sides of Edenton Road St. between Gum Pond Run and Dobbs St.
South side of Dobbs St. between Edenton Road St. to Market St.
Both sides of Market St. between Edenton Road St. to Dobbs St.
Both sides of Grubb St. between Edenton Road St. to East Railroad Ave.
South side of King St. between Stokes St. to Covent Garden St.
East side of East Academy St. between Market St. and Grubb St.
South side of Grubb St. between East Academy St. and West Academy St.
Both sides of Market St. between Front St. and Church St.
East side of Punch Alley between Church St. and Municipal St.
Both sides of Punch Alley between Church St. and Front St.
East side of Perry St. between Church St. between Punch Alley and the Town corporate limits.
East side of Perry St. between Grubb & Willow Streets.
Both sides of Church Street (U.S. 17 Business) from Riverside Drive to Punch Alley.
On the West side of Church Street (U.S. 17 Business from Punch Alley to Grubb St. (SR 1110)
On the South side of Grubb St. (SR 1110) from Church St. (US 17 Business) to Carolina St.
West side of Edenton Road St. (U.S. 17 Business - NC 37) from Dobbs St. to Grubb St. (SR 1110).
South side of Dobbs St. between the entrance and exit of the driveway to Hertford Grammar School.
North side of Grubb St. (SR 1110) from intersection of Grubb St. (SR 1110) & Church St. (SR 1336) West to property line of Sam Hourmouzis.
Both sides of US 17 Bypass from a point 400’ south of SR 1336 to 350’ north of SR 1336
South side of Market St. beginning at its intersection with Covent Garden St. and extending southward as marked.
West side of Church St. (SR 1336) from Dobbs St. (US 17 Business) Southeastward to the End of Curb and gutter section.
90 MINUTE PARKING 9:00 A.M. TO 6:30 P.M. (See Section 5-34)
Both sides of Church St. between Dobbs St. and Grubb St.
Both sides of Market St. between Church St. and Barron’s Alley
ONE HOUR PARKING 9:00 A.M. TO 6:30 P.M. (See Sec. 5-35)
15 MINUTE PARKING (See Sec. 5-36)
Both sides of Grubb St. beginning at its intersection with Municipal St. and extending westward as marked.
East side of Edenton Road St. beginning at its intersection with Grubb St. and ex extending southward as marked.
10 MINUTE PARKING (See Sec. 5-37)
BUS STOPS (See Sec. 5-38)
West side of Church from its intersection with Grubb St. extending southward as marked.
South side of Grubb St. from its intersection with Church St. extending westward as marked.
POLICE PARKING (See. Sec. 5-38)
LOADING ZONES (See Sec. 5-38)
South side of Market St. west of Church St. as marked.
West side of Front St. between Market St. and Grubb St. as marked.
North side of Market St. between Church St. and Barron’s Alley.
West side of Front St. beginning at its intersection with Grubb St. and extending northward as marked.
TRUCK PARKING PROHIBITED 6:30 P.M. TO 6:30 A.M. (See Sec. 5-49 (2)
West side of Hyde Park St. between King St. and Dobbs St.
Grubb St. from Woodland St.
Dobbs St. from West Railroad Ave.
Grubb St. from West Railroad Ave.
Edenton Road St. from King St.
Market St. from Hyde Park St.
Grubb St. from West Academy St.
Church St. from King St.
Dobbs St. from Covent Garden St.
Market St. from Covent Garden St.
Market St. from Barron’s Alley.
Grubb St. from Covent Garden St.
Grubb St. from Municipal St.
Church St. from Punch Alley.
Front St. from Grubb St.
Church St. form Punch Alley.
Front St. from Grubb St.
Church St. from McCrary St.
Edenton Road St. from School St.
Edenton Road St. from Sunset Dr.
Edenton Road St. from Ballahack Rd.
U.S. Route 17 By - Pass form Wynne - Fork Road.
U.S. Route 17 By - Pass from Church St.
Dobbs St. from Charles St.
Pennsylvania Ave. from Woodland St.
Pennsylvania Ave. from Perry St.
West Railroad Ave. from Pennsylvania Ave.
Dobbs St. and Hyde Park St.
Grubb St. and the street intersecting it between East Academy St. and West Academy St.
Grubb St. and Church St.
Dobbs St. and Church St.
Market St. and Church St.
Dobbs St. and Edenton Road St.
Market St. and Edenton Road St.
Grubb St. and Edenton Road St.
Edenton Road St. and King St.
East Railroad Ave. in its entirety, one-way as marked.
(See Sec. 5-63 (1)
20 M.P.H. SPEED LIMITS (See Sec. 5-78 (3)(a))
Dobbs St. from Wood’s Lane to Perry St.
Church St. (US 17 Bus). - NC 37) from Grubb St. (SR 1110) to Dobbs St. (US 17 Buss. - NC 37).
25 M.P.H. SPEED LIMITS (See Sec. 5-78 (3)(b))
Grubb St. (SR 1110) from church St. (US 17 Bus. - NC 37) to the western corporate limit, approximately 400 feet west of Carolina Ave.
Church St. (US 17 Bus.) NC 37) from Grubb St. (SR 1110) to a point 0.4 miles south of the northern corporate limit.
King Street from Church St. to Edenton Road St.
35 M.P.H. SPEED LIMITS (See Sec. 5-78 (3)(c))
Dobbs St. (US 17 Bus. - NC 37) from Edenton Road St. (US 17 Bus. - NC 37) to Church St. (US 17 Bus. - NC 37).
Edenton Road St. (SR 1125) from Dobbs St. (US 17 Bus. - NC Bus. - NC 37) to Grubb St. (SR 1110).
Church St. (SR 1336) from Dobbs St. (US 17 Bus. - NC 37) to US 17 Bypass.
Edenton Road St. (US 17 Bus. - NC 37) from Dobbs St. (US 17 Bus. - NC 37) to a point 0.27 mile south of King Street.
45 M.P.H. SPEED LIMITS (See Sec. 5-78 (3) (d))
Edenton Road St. (US 17 Bus. - NC 37) from a point 0.27 mile south of King St. to a point 0.57 mile south of King St.
55 M.P.H. SPEED LIMITS (See Sec. 5-78 (3) (e))
U.S. Route 17 By-Pass from the southern Town corporate limits to the northern Town corporate limits.
Wynne - Fork Road from U.S. Route 17 By-Pass to Edenton Road St.
Edenton Road St. from Wynne - Fork Road to the southern Town corporate limits.