Article I. Organization of Police Department
Section 2-1 Organization
The Police Department shall consist of a Chief, and as many more policemen as the Board of Commissioners shall from time to time determine.
Section 2-2 General Supervision
The Board of Commissioners shall have general control over the Police Department.
Section 2-3 Appointment of Chief
The Chief of Police shall be appointed by the Board and shall supervise the Police Department in cooperation with the Board.
Section 2-4 Chief to Faithfully Perform Duties
The Chief of Police shall be required to perform faithfully the duties required of him by the ordinances of the Town now in force or hereinafter enacted, and in case of failure to do so, or shall he prove inefficient or unsuited to discharge his duties, or should he exceed the powers of duties of his office, then he shall be removed from office by the Board of Commissioners.
Article II. Chief of Police
Section 2-8 Supervision by Town Manager
The Chief of Police shall be subject to the rules and regulations approved by the Board of Commissioners and subject to the general supervision and orders of the Board. It shall be his duty to see that the laws of the State of North Carolina and the ordinances of the Town of Hertford are duly enforced.
Section 2-9 General Duties
It shall be his duty at all times to preserve the public peace; prevent the commission of crimes, protect the rights of persons and property; regard the public health; report nuisances in the streets, alleys and other public places; provide proper police personnel at fires and enforce the criminal laws of the State of North Carolina and ordinances of the Town of Hertford.
Section 2-10 Reports to the Board
He shall make a written report each month showing the number of arrests, the causes of arrests, and any other data deemed pertinent by him.
Section 2-11 Responsible for Good Order and Conduct of the Department
He shall be held responsible for the good order of the Town and for the general conduct of the members of the Department.
Section 2-12 Issuing of Equipment
He shall have charge of and issue all equipment to the personnel of the Department and shall keep a written record showing the names of the personnel to whom these effects have been issued and a description of all equipment so issued.
Section 2-13 Records
He shall be held responsible for all the records of the Department.
Section 2-14 Instruction
He shall be held responsible for the instructions and training of the members of the Department.
Article III. General Provisions
Section 2-15 Chief May Summon Aid
The Chief of Police or any policeman shall have authority, if resisted in the execution of their lawful duties, to summon a sufficient number of men to aid them in enforcing the law, and it shall be unlawful for any person so summoned to refuse to assist the Chief or other Policeman.
Section 2-16 Resisting or Abusing Police Officer
It shall be unlawful for any person to resist or abuse the Chief of Police or any Police Officer in the discharge of his duties, or to aid or abet in such resistance or abuse.