Boards, Commissions, and Committees

Interested in local issues? Apply to be a member of an advisory board, committee, or commission.

If you are interested in serving on one of the Town’s volunteer boards or committees, you must complete and submit an application form. It is important to note that some committees or boards may not have vacancies at this time and some require specific qualifications for positions. You must be at least 18 years old to apply. 

Please pick up your application inside the Town Hall, or download printable version link on the webpage.

Return this application in person or by mail/email/fax to:

Town Clerk
Town of Hertford
114 West Grubb Street
Hertford, NC 27944
Fax: (252)426-7060


Town of Hertford Boards, Commissions and Committees appointments. (Note- (*) appointments made by Perquimans County Commissioners. All others are made by Town of Hertford Council).



  ABC Board

ABC Boards in North Carolina are local independent political subdivisions of the State.
They operate as separate entities establishing their own policies and procedures and
they retain authority to set policy and adopt rules in conformity with ABC Laws and
Commission Rules. The Hertford ABC Board is appointed by the Hertford Town Council
and is comprised of three members, one of whom serves as the chair. The members
are appointed for three-year staggered terms. They have one regular meeting a month
on the third Monday at 5:30 pm at the Horace Reid Sr. Community Center at 305 West
Grubb Street.
Joseph Hoffler, Chair (Term expires 07/2028)
J.C. Cole (Term expires 10/2025)
Diane W. Stallings, Secretary (Term expires 09/2027)
Brooke Crouch, General Manager


  Economic Development Commission (EDC)

The Perquimans County Economic Development Commission, working in cooperation
with its many regional and North Carolina economic development partners, provides a
wide range of incentives and assistance to companies that can provide quality jobs for
County residents. The Town Council appoints two members for two-year terms. One
member is a councilor and the other can be a citizen-at-large. The EDC meets as
Town Council Representatives/Appointees:
Ashley Hodges, Mayor (Term expires 12/2027)
Connie Brothers, Councilwoman (Term expires 12/2025)
Janice McKenzie Cole, Town Manager, ex officio member

  Hertford Housing Authority

The Hertford Housing Authority, located in Hertford, NC, is a government agency that
operates and manages public housing in Perquimans County. The Housing Authority
oversees low-income housing, including the application process, eligibility guidelines,
and related resources. The Board of Commissioners oversees the Authorities
operations. It is a 5-member Board and the members are appointed by the Mayor for 5-year terms. Meetings are held quarterly in March, June, September, and December on the first Thursday of the month at 4:00 pm.

Calvin Johnson, Chair (Term expires 09/2027)

Susan Winslow  (Term expires 09/2028)

Marvin Sutton (Term expires 09/2026)

Willie Downing (Term expires 09/2025)

Louise Privott (Term expires 09/2026)

Arnesa Holley, Executive Director

  Downtown Hertford (formerly HHI)

 HHI is an all-volunteer organization and a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Its mission is “to
facilitate the development of Hertford’s Historic District as the cultural, economic, social
and historic center of Perquimans County, through the fostering of strategic civic,
government and business alliances.” Its focus is on promoting the Town as a place to
live, work and visit. The Town Council appoints two members to this board. One
member is the Mayor who serves continuously and the other is a Council appointee.
HHI meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month at 10:00 am at the HHI Building
at 110 West Academy Street, Hertford. Membership applications for HHI can be found

Town Council Representatives/Appointees:

Sandra Anderson


Earnell Brown

 Planning & Zoning Board of Adjustments

The Hertford Planning and Zoning Board of Adjustment serves in the dual capacities of
the Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Adjustment. The PZBOA is comprised of
five members and two alternates. The members are appointed by the Town Council to
three year terms. The Board convenes on the third Monday the month (when there is
zoning business to consider) in Council Chambers, 305 W. Grubb Street, Hertford, at
7:00 pm.

Town Council Representatives/Appointees:

Sara Winslow, Chair (Term expires 12/2024)

Marvin Sutton, Vice Chair (Term expires 12/2024)

Gracie Felton (Term expires 12/2025)

Andrew Almodova (Term expires 12/2024)

H. Milton Long (Term Expires 02/2025)


Joe T. White, Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Member (Term expires 12/2025) 

Brenda Hollowell-White (Term Expires 12/2026)

Secretary: Sarah Nixon

  Albemarle RPO (Rural Planning Organization)

The Rural Planning Organizations were formed by the NC General Assembly, in order
to involve rural county and municipal governments as well as the public in transportation
issues in their region. The Albemarle Rural Planning Organization (ARPO) consists of
the Rural Transportation Advisory Committee (RTAC) and the Rural Transportation
Coordinating Committee (RTCC). The RTCC is the advisory committee to the TAC.
Meetings are held as needed, but average about three times a year.

Town Council Representatives/Appointees:

Sandra Anderson, Mayor Pro Tem (RTAC)

Janice McKenzie Cole, Town Manager (RTCC)

Angela Welsh, ARPO Director

 Recreation Advisory Board

The Recreation Advisory Board provides perspective for the Perquimans County
Recreation Facility. It is comprised of 10 members and appointments are made for
three year terms. They meet quarterly in March June, September, and December on the
second Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm. The Town of Hertford makes one appointment to
this Board.

Town Council Representatives/Appointees:
Martina V. McClenney (Term expires 06/2025)

 Tourism Development Authority Board (TDA)

The Board oversees the TDA in its mission to promote and develop tourism, stimulate economic development, and enhance the quality of life for all residents in the County.
The Town of Hertford has one representative on the Board. The terms are for two years
and there is no limit on the number of consecutive terms that one can serve.

Town Council Representatives/Appointees:

Jerry Mimlitsch      (Term expires 12/25)

 Hazard Mitigation Plan Committee

The Albemarle Regional Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee was formed in 2019 to

guide the development of a hazard mitigation plan as required by FEMA to remain
eligible for federal mitigation and public assistance funding. FEMA requires that the
plan be updated every five years.

Town Council Representatives/Appointees:

Ashley Hodges, Mayor 


 911 Communications Division Advisory Board

The purpose of the Board is to analyze and evaluate community expectations for 911
service delivery, assess and recommend new strategies to improve public safety,
identify and advocate for needed resources to achieve public safety objectives, and
serve as a communication forum for public safety matters. The Board meets quarterly
on the fourth Thursday of January, April, July, and October.

Town Council Representatives/Appointees:

Drew Woodard, Chief, Hertford Fire Department

Janice McKenzie Cole, Town Manager

Rhonda Waters, Councilwoman

 Hertford Community Action Team (H-Cat)

HCAT began as The Waterfront Advisory Committee created to advise during the
planning of the Hertford Community and Riverfront Plan which was completed in August
2021. In December 2021 it reorganized as a free standing committee to partner with
the Town Council and provide an avenue for citizen involvement in the work to restore
and revitalize Hertford. The Town Council has since called upon HCAT to serve as the
advisory board for the NC Resilient Coastal Communities Program, and The Community
Economic Recovery and Resiliency Initiative (CERRI). Membership is open.

Larry Sandeen, Chair